
This is why publicity has become the ultimate guarantee of a convincing return on investment in 2022

This is why publicity has become the ultimate guarantee of a convincing return on investment in 2022

In 2019, the global industry faces many challenges, whether it is an international oil, gas company or big tech Inc, the prevailing need for continuous improvement of their effectiveness continues (obtaining an attractive return on investment)

The fastest way to improve results is to reinforce the marketing strategies that are being implemented on behalf of your brand. How do? By diversifying and personalizing campaigns – or what experts call advertising.

digital photo 2.0

According to the principles published in Forbes (highlighting the importance of earned media), we can conclude that owning a commercially successful company has nothing to do with providing quality products or services – even if it is an important indicator of its long-term viability in the market.

Instead, your business goal remains to build a positive (newsworthy) image. It is not enough to advertise the benefits of your solution in each platform – a concept from Marketing 1.0. You must gain credibility, from collaborators to shareholders, investors, customers and the public in general. Proof of this is the increase in the number of searches in Google for keywords such as: appear on media, get a link in Forbes , etc.

This is why an advertising agency was hired. They leverage their relationships to establish positive relationships with audiences located in ideal communities to achieve brand goals. 2.0 dynamics means transcending the conversations taking place in the market; Instead, it creates it.

working formula

You will build trust and gain credibility as a brand by choosing transparency, presenting yourself as you are, and being the best part of it. But to do that, you may want to take the following steps:

  1. Your brand as a source: give to receive. The concept of traditional content marketing is simple because it relies on the target audience who understand that you provide valuable knowledge, tools, and information.

However, in terms of advertising, your brand must appear as an expert in its field: giving people the information they need, to pique their interest and make them interested in receiving more help. The collaborator number is prevalent nowadays, and you will find many options and portals for that.

  1. Commercial altruism: unlike 1.0, the point of giving information is not to get anything in return – at least at first; But to use communication based on “news information” clearly and concisely, to promote a sense of community.

This situation is typical in personal relationships, which, perhaps, you can identify in your close circle – this is exactly the point. Unlike any other “cold brand”, your solution will have a human feel, and your inner circle will be interested in supporting any initiative proposed by that relationship.

  1. Recommendations: Once the link is established, you have to prove with actual evidence that what you’re doing helps a lot of people. You can do this by sharing testimonials from people who have worked with your brand, enjoyed the solutions, and felt good afterwards.

How will you know that your advertising strategy is working?

One of the great benefits of this digital strategy is that its results are easy to measure and analyze. Among the many things you can do to determine if the approach is working, are the following:

  • Mentions: When taking the form of a detective, you can follow up on references to your brand using tools like Mention, SumoMe, Brand24, Buzzsumo or Klout.
  • Web Metrics: Being in the media ensures more traffic to your website, as you will have metrics like unique visits, clicks, and forms downloaded. You can measure your website traffic analysis using tools like Google Analytics, Majestic, and SEMrush On-Page SEO Checker.

Retention indicators: These analyze the impression of the content available on your platforms – which you will use as a supplement to the information displayed on external websites. Here you can see return rate, rejection rate, number of pages per visit, and frequency of visit.

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