Advances in breast cancer treatment offer new hope
Advances in breast cancer treatment offer new hope
As a surgical oncologist focused on treating breast cancer, I see daily how devastating a breast cancer diagnosis can be. But I also see on a daily basis how new and advanced breast cancer treatments often give women the hope and courage they need to help manage or overcome the physical, mental and emotional challenges of breast cancer and, in many cases, overcome the disease completely.
One in eight women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime, according to the National Cancer Institute (NCI). While the main risk factors are well known (advancing age, family history, mutations in certain genes), the most important risk factor for developing breast cancer is simply being a woman. The fact that any woman can develop breast cancer is one reason why mammograms and clinical breast exams are so important; Regular screening tests help detect cancer at an early stage. As with all cancers, when breast cancer is caught early, there are more treatment options available, survival rates are longer, and the cure rate is higher.
National Cancer Institute data show a steady decline in new cases and deaths from breast cancer since 1990. Additionally, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that between 2002 and 2011, cancer rates did not increase among American women, while The mortality rate is 1.9 percent annually. What is remarkable about this data is that the breast cancer mortality rate is dropping faster than the incidence rate, which means that women with breast cancer live longer. New technologies and improvements in current treatments are likely to increase the number of patients and improve the quality of life for women with breast cancer.
For example, a new technology called the MarginProbe® system helps surgeons determine if there are cancer cells on the margins of the removed tissue. This technique is designed to reduce the rate of second surgeries after lumpectomy. Continuous improvements in breast-conserving reconstructive and plastic surgery techniques also add to the range of advanced treatment techniques available today.
Advanced Genomic Testing is an innovative diagnostic tool that allows the examination of tumors at the genetic level. By identifying mutations that occur in a cancer cell’s genome, doctors can better understand the cause of the tumor and design treatment based on these findings. The results of genomic testing may lead oncologists to suggest that a drug commonly used for another type of cancer may be an appropriate treatment for breast cancer based on the tumor’s genetic characteristics.
Another example is intraoperative radiotherapy (IORT), one of many new technologies that deliver radiation with greater precision, helping to reduce damage to healthy tissue and treatment times. With IORT, radiation is delivered directly to the site of the tumor after the surgeon has removed it. A 30-minute dose of IORT can replace weeks of conventional radiation.
There have also been several advances in chemotherapy for breast cancer. Targeted therapy blocks specific molecules involved in tumor growth by targeting drugs or other compounds specifically created to attack cancer cells. A targeted therapy called chemoembolization delivers the drug through a catheter directly to the tumor using image guidance. Chemotherapy drugs mix with molecules called microspheres that block blood flow to the tumor.
With so many options available for treating breast cancer today, treatments can roughly be tailored to the individual based on factors such as genetic appearance, tumor location, tumor type, and whether the cancer has spread. However, the treatment a woman ultimately chooses is a very personal decision that is best made in collaboration with her family, personal physician, and oncologist.
Learn more about advanced treatments for breast cancer.