
not every web marketer focuses on the needs of their customers


As strange as it may sound, not every web marketer focuses on the needs of their customers. Oftentimes, they focus on web marketing “outcomes” alone. In doing so, they abandon the core messages that make a digital marketing campaign more than a superficial success.


In order to align the digital marketing strategy with the company’s core principles and strengths, it is important for them to have some deep knowledge of the customer before embarking on developing a strategy or implementing a digital marketing campaign.

The questions below are just a few of the key questions we ask our customers to make sure we’re moving in the right direction with keywords, content, and website messaging. It ensures that we develop high-quality content that matches the intentions and expectations of the visitor.

Your digital marketing agency should ask you these questions:

  1. Describe your target audience.
  2. What are your company’s core values, and how do you express them to your customers?
  3. What are the common objections people have when they buy from you?
  4. How do you handle these objections and convert potential customers into satisfied buyers?
  5. What “hotspots” help your customers take action?
  6. What information do your customers need to make an informed purchasing decision?
  7. What problems does your product or service solve?
  8. What selling techniques have worked in the past?
  9. What did not work?
  10. What are your other online and offline marketing efforts?
  11. What tone and feel resonate with your customers?
  12. Who are your main competitors, and what are your strong points on your score?
  13. Which of the following three metrics do you care about improving the most?
    1. Hits
    2. Conversions (i.e. sales or leads)
    3. he won
    4. return on advertising spend
    5. conversion cost
    6. conversion rate
    8. Participants
    9. Post rate

Not every digital marketing agency will ask the exact same questions, but they should ask questions that allow them to tailor their online marketing strategy to your company’s unique needs and goals. It should raise a big red flag for you if your digital agency doesn’t ask these kinds of questions.

These might sound like ad agency questions, not digital marketing questions:

We understand that you may be used to asking this type of question when creating a brand or running a traditional marketing campaign with an ad agency. This is certainly true. However, web and digital marketing in 2021 will likely be where your customers experience your brand the most. That’s why we feel it’s so important to really understand who you are and how you’re perceived in the market before we recommend a digital marketing strategy. Our mission is to take advantage of the strengths of your brand and make it known on the web to attract more clients and customers. 

If your digital agency isn’t asking these questions and letting it guide its strategy, perhaps it’s time to consider a different agency.

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