
Why is project management important to an organization

Why is project management important to an organization

A well-managed project is like a well-cooked dish in which you add all the relevant ingredients of different tastes and nutrition to cook a delicious dish. The same applies to project management, where the project manager analyzes the different talents and skills in the group members and tries to utilize them as effectively and efficiently as possible. The project manager may not be a master of all the functions that occur during the project, but he is adept at keeping the project structure consistent by bridging the communication gap between all stakeholders, by ensuring quality work and formulating effective plans, etc. In short, successful project management is a sign of success, in our time we cannot ignore its importance, otherwise we will miss;

feasible plan

Setting practical and feasible goals, deadlines and budgets are the main responsibilities of a good project manager as he monitors the project. The project manager acts as a liaison between the various stakeholders which helps him to understand the basic needs and general business objectives. Because of his understanding, the project manager designs a blueprint or project plan that maintains a balance between priorities regarding its budget and time.

understandable goals

There is a goal to achieve behind every action we take in the organization or else resources may be wasted, it is essential that all stakeholders of the project clearly understand the goals they are expected to achieve. The scope and objectives of the project are often intertwined as many people with different understanding and ability to work on it are working at the same time. The project manager reminds the team of their goals, priorities, and potential risks frequently to keep the project on track.

Strategic methodology

“If your organization is not good at project management, you are exposing a lot of risk in terms of the ultimate implementation of the strategy,” warns Langley, president and CEO of Philip Morris International. Since the project manager has the skills to oversee all project planning and execution, he makes sure that all tactics and objectives are aligned with the organization’s strategy.

managed procedure

Choosing the right people for the right job in the right way at the right time, all these tasks have to be done before the project, not during the project. Project management is an example of proactive action. Project managers break down a task into smaller manageable tasks and establish easy-to-implement procedures, this helps the team work more efficiently and keeps them alert to risks.

Quality control

Teams are under great pressure to complete a task on a given schedule and budget. The project manager not only oversees due dates and goals but also assures whether the project will be accomplished to quality standards so everyone knows exactly what they will get in the end.

lower costs

“Efficient work reduces cost”, this is not the dream of successful project managers, they know the secret to saving time and budget which ultimately results in cost savings. According to the survey conducted by the Project Management Institute (PMI) in 2018, 9.9% of every dollar invested is wasted due to ineffective project management.

the management of change

Change is very common nowadays, organizations are facing changes and must prepare for rainy days. Project management enables change through effective management and makes adaptation easier.

Read about the successful implementation of these five project management organizations:

  • American Airlines.
  • Royal Bank of Scotland
  • Cengage Learning
  • Exelos Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • Flowserve

There is a lot of research going on in the field of project management, as organizations provide training to their employees to learn new techniques and methods of project implementation. Not only that, but many educational and training institutes have started offering project management training which helps in becoming a PMP certified project management professional.

Project management professionals are needed in almost every industry from a cement plant to a software development company, and their efficient and effective work is being praised everywhere. However, one has to take proper trainings and lessons to learn techniques and methods that will help him to analyze a business case and handle complex situations.

PMP certification provides a great advantage to earn a very good amount of money, according to a survey of people who possess a PMP certification earn 20% higher salaries than people who do not. With the help of online PMP certification training one can learn how to use different tools like PERT diagrams and critical path method diagrams, it can help you visualize the graphical relationship between project variables and also help in listing the items related to their priority. All you have to do is fill out the eligibility criteria for the PMP, which only requires more than 3 years of experience and 35 hours of professional training.

Today, companies are constantly facing challenges, all markets are very saturated, and uncertainties have increased a lot. Without doing project management business you are likely to encounter difficulties and eventually, there will be a bunch of failed projects not because of ideas but because of unsuccessful project management.

Without effective project management, there will be chaos in organizations that will cause stress, uncertainty and higher rates of failure. One of the main variables driving the complexity of projects is the rise of globalization. It is a provocative function for associations to work and arrange projects in different countries around the world due to discrepancies in time zones, language, culture, groups traded and distance.

PMP indicates that you speak and understand the global language of project management and connects you to a network of experts, associations and specialists around the world. Become a PMP and become the champion of the project.

It is also a good idea to get an MBA in Project Management. If you are not comfortable with a full-time MBA program, there are online MBA or MBA courses available that you can join and pursue alongside your full-time job.

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