Benefits of healthy eating patterns
Benefits of healthy eating patterns
Making healthy food choices can help you develop a healthy eating pattern. A healthy eating pattern helps you improve your overall health.
Eating pattern refers to what you eat and drink on a regular basis. In a healthy eating pattern, all foods and drinks work together to:
- Help you feel satisfied
- keep healthy
- Meet your nutritional needs
Many well-researched healthy eating patterns include mostly plant-based foods.
Plant foods can include:
- vegetables and fruits
- Whole grain foods
- plant protein foods
Eating plant foods regularly can mean eating more fiber and saturated fats. This can have a positive effect on health, including reducing the risk of:
- cancer
- heart disease
- Type 2 diabetes
Most healthy eating patterns include few or no highly processed foods.
How to follow a healthy eating pattern
You can develop a healthy eating pattern by eating the following regularly:
- Whole grain foods such as:
- quinoa
- wild rice
- Whole grain pasta
- Vegetables and fruits such as:
- An apple
- Carrots
- Broccoli
- Protein foods such as:
- legumes
- Lean meat
- Low fat yogurt
The best healthy eating patterns include foods that reflect your food choices related to:
- the taste
- civilization
- donation
- lifestyle
Make a healthy choice
What you eat on a regular basis is important to your health.
- Choose foods with little or no sodium, sugar, or saturated fat.
- Compare the Nutrition Facts table to foods to choose products that are lower in sodium, sugar or saturated fat.